42 Partners - Relux - Maintenance Factor

Relux treats MF in two ways, both are available from the calculation settings screen.
Under Maintenance Factor in Calculation settings select either "Classical" or "For each luminaire"
Allows you to select and apply a single Maintenance Factor to all luminaires in the room.
If there are multiple luminaire types, this single factor should be an aggregation of the factors for each type of luminaire in the scheme.
Next to the entry box where MF is specified is a button marked "Reason". Clicking the button marked "Reason" adjacent to the MF field takes the user to an empty text entry box where a justification can be made for the choice of MF.
This text appears on the room's Result overview Sheet directly under the Maintenance Factor Line in the General heading.

For Each Luminaire type
When this option is selected, clicking on the now active Determine button takes the user through an information screen which states where the standardised data for lamps has been sourced.
Clicking OK takes users to the main dialogue screen for Maintenance Factor calculation.
Each Luminaire in the scheme will be listed on the left hand side of the dialogue box.
Select a luminaire to determine the MF for this luminaire (data must be entered for each type of luminaire in the scheme).
This method allows calculation of a separate MF for each type of luminaire.
Users fill in the data on the right hand side.
Where standard classifications are the only choices, each heading is a drop down selection from which users must choose the correct classification. For instance Environment lists Very Clean, Clean, Normal and Dirty as the available choices from CIE 97.
Where luminaires are selected from members data, factors such as lamp, ballast and luminaire type should be pre-populated.
For imported data, users will need to check with the manufacturer or supplier to get the correct classifications.
Possible classifications for luminaires are:
Possible Luminaire Types are:
A Bare Lamp Batten
B Open Top Housing
C Closed Top Housing
D Enclosed IP2x
E Dust Proof IP5x
F Enclosed Indirect (uplight)
G Air Handling- forced ventilated
Users must use their knowledge of the installation and usage to fill in the Environment, Luminaire and Lamp maintenance intervals, these intervals can be different from one another.
The burning hours per year.
For lamp and ballast types where there are standardised data on Life and lumen depreciation, selecting the lamp and ballast type will automatically populate the LSF and LLMF fields.
When LED is selected as alamp type, users must manually fill in LSF and LLMF data because there is no standardised data available.
Follow this link for an explanation of these terms, and how they can affect MF calculations and the economics of the scheme (opens in a new window)

When all data is entered, Relux will display the four sub factors and the final calculated MF for each luminaire.
From the data entered Relux will also generate a maintenance schedule which will appear in the Project Description section of the Relux output.
Relux will apply the calculated MF to each luminaire in the scheme in accordance with CIE97 and EN 12464, these results coupled with the maintenance plan allow users to demonstrate complete compliance to the requirements of EN 12464.