This Answers Most Relux Problems

The majority of queries that we receive are resolved by downloading the latest version of the software, and ensuring that the hardware requirements are met.
Before contacting us, please check the following points, then see if your problem is mentioned and follow any fixes. If your query has not been answered, please contact us with more details by sending an email to, please include the file .rdf that is causing the problem, and its associated log file .rdf.log. Please ensure that you have checked the 'Save results after calculation' box before calculating. If the scheme has resulted in a computer crash and you have a system for reporting what processes are running when this occurs, e.g. Dr Watson, please send us that log file too.
Software versions.
Check version and update program.
Use 'ReluxUdate' in the ReluxSuite / Tools program group to automatically check and update your program.
You can check the version manually by selecting the menu option 'Help', then the menu option 'About Relux'.
You can check the latest available version manually on the Relux site in the 'Downloads' 'Update' section.
Most common problems
Crashes / lockups / slow operation
This is usually due to the specification and setup of the machine being used, usually graphics cards and drivers.
See Relux Hardware, System & Configuration FAQs for more information.
Problem with a manufacturers' database not installing.
In virtually all cases of a manufacturers' database not installing, there has been a problem with administration rights on the computer. Please check that the profile that you are using for Relux has full access rights and that your company firewall will allow you to download files. You must make sure that there are no other Relux applications running, to ensure this, close all Relux windows, start Relux Administrator in the Relux program group, then close it, Use 'ReluxUpdate' in the ReluxSuite - Tools program group to automatically check and update your program, and to be notified of any new or updated manufacturer's database. To choose to download a database, tick the required check box. You will need to log in with your User Name and Password. If you are a new user follow the 'Please register' link and enter your details first. The databases chosen should automatically download and install. Please ensure that the 'Data Update' is pointing to 'local' which should be a subfolder of the main installation folder i.e. C:\ProgramFiles\ReluxSuite\local. If the folder has been mistakenly changed, you should change it back using the 'Change Folder' button.
Crash / lock while printing or displaying results tables
If your computer crashes or locks up during an attempt to print or display after results are calculated this is almost always due to lack of resources. First check that you are not trying to reproduce an unreasonably large table of results. If you specify a 100m area in 0.1m increments, the resultant matrix would be 1000 * 1000 values, this is more values than there are pixels for many screens. The emergency plane illumination table defaults to a 0.1m calculation grid as required by BSEN1838, however any reasonable size area will result in an extremely large table. If you can view results for small tables but not for large tables, your machine is simply unable to process the image files for large tables, this is not a Relux problem but a computer resource problem and can only be cured by upgrading your computer. Computers of the minimum specification will struggle with all but the simplest of lighting schemes. Even with a high specification machine, there is still a limit to the amount of information that can be presented. If you want to view or print a table, change the default calculation grid to a figure that will produce a table that is of a reasonable size.
Crash / lock while calculating
Check to see if the default reference plane is still present in the scheme. It is possible to remove the default reference plane but this nearly always causes problems. We advise strongly against removing the default reference plane. If you do not want results for the reference plane, change the calculation grid of the reference plane to 2 points by 2 points, this will not affect any other settings and will give the least calculation burden to the system. Once the default reference plane is removed you cannot get it back, renaming another plane as 'Ref. plane 1' does not work.
Most common Frequently Asked Questions
Are user manuals available?
User manuals are available in the Help section of the ReluxSuite program group.
How do I get my User Name and Password?
Go to then select 'MY RELUX', then click on 'Please register' and follow the instructions on screen.
Will ReluxCAD work with AutoCAD LT?
No, ReluxCAD requires the full version of AutoCAD, it will not work with AutoCAD LT because AutoCAD LT does not have a programming interface and so cannot accept plug-ins, this is one of the reasons why AutoCAD LT is so much cheaper than the full version of the program. AutoCAD LT is advertised as being suitable for users who 'do not need to customise their software through automation' with a plug-in such as ReluxCAD,
What training is available for Relux products?
42 Partners offer various training courses to enable you to make the most of the Relux software.